Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Assignments for "The Well of the World's End"

Assignments for "The Well of the World's End" to be handed in the 21st of September

1. Time:

- When does the story take place?

- What is the time span in the text?

2. What values are presented in the text? How do you see that? (Provide textual evidence)

3. Are there oppositions in the text? (Provide textual evidence)

4. Account for the composition of the text.


  1. The story "The Well Of The World's End" takes place a long time ago. We have no idea when.

    I think the timespan of the story is a tricky one. It could be one day, although I find this very conflicting. I don't believe you are able to go to the world's end and back at the same day.
    If the frog/prince had to get the promise and the girl to carry out the promise in the same day, then the timespan is one day. If not there could be some traveling time between the home and the well.

    Anyone agree, not agree?


  2. Assignments for the well of the worlds end

    1. Time:

    - When does the story take place?
    The story takes place at a very good time, though it anyones time. Not mine, not yours not anyones time.

    - What is the time span in the text?
    The time span is 2 days. Its starts with one day the stepmother sends the young girl out to the well og the worlds end. Then at the same day she finds the well of the worlds end, and meets a frog that gets her to promise that she will do anything that he ask of her. Then at the second day she choppers of the frogs head, and out comes a prince and they end up getting married.

    2. What values are presented in the text? How do you see that? (Provide textual evidence)
    ??? I’m am not quite sure what to do here. Anyone that can help me? ???

    3. Are there oppositions in the text? (Provide textual evidence)
    The evil stepmother - The young stepdaugther. Evil - Good.
    The frog - The prince
    Ugly - Beautiful

    4. Account for the composition of the text.
    The story is about a young girl who has a stepmother who hats her very much. The stepmother sends out the young girl to the well of the world’s end, to fill a sieve. In her journey to the well of the world’s end, she meets an old woman who tells her which way she shall go, and a frog who tells here how to fill up the sieve. The frog makes her promise that she will do anything that he tells her to. The young girl returns home after she has filled the sieve with water, and the stepmother is mad. Then the frog knocks on her door, and makes her do some different things. In the end the frog turns out to by a handsome prince and then they get married.

    There are some 5 flash back in this story. Every time there is a flash back, the frog reminds the young girl about her promise to him.

    Again I’m not sure that I have enough text her or if I’m missing something???

  3. Maria: Which human qualities are considered good and which are considered bad/evil according to the text? This gives us an idea about the values presented in the text. Perhaps the different settings of the story can give you an idea of the composition - e. g. consider the home-away-home model.

    Tommy: Perhaps it was a trick question... What do we know about time and place in fairy tales?

    I would also like a comment on Maria's thoughts about flash backs in the text.

  4. 1: The fairy tails takes please, long time ago.
    We don’t now acutely when ore where it takes place. We dent get a year or some details, that describe some details, so we can analyst us to the time ore year.
    - What is the time span in the text?
    The span in the text takes, one day think. Because the stepmother sends the young girl out to the well of the worlds end. And the same day she find the words end, and meet a frog, who of corse will change to a prince.

    3: Are there oppositions in the text?
    The young girl – The evil stepmother
    young - Old
    Prince - Princess
    Price - seeds
    Naive - jealous (crafty)

    4. Account for the composition of the text.
    The young girls mother is dead, and her father, remarriage again. Her stepmother hate her, and made her to do all the work at home. One day she decided to be rid of her. The evil stepmother gave her a sieve and told the young girl that she need to fill the sieve, with water from the world’s end. And she can not come back without it. The girl set out and questioned everyone about the way. Finally, a little old woman directed her to the well, but she could not fill the sieve. She wept. A frog ask her what was wrong, and she told the frog what her stepmother told her to do. The frog told the young girl, that it could help her if she pommes, she will do everything he ask her. She agreed, and the frog told her to stop the holes up with mud and clay. With that, she carried back the water. The stepmother was angry at her return, and when the frog arrived, she insisted that the girl keep her promise. The frog made her take it on her knee, give it some supper, and take it to bed with her. In the morning, it made her chop off its head. When she did, it was transformed into a handsome prince. The stepmother was even more angry, but the prince married the girl and took her home.

  5. Just to comment on values/qualities, obedience & persistence spring to mind. The girl obeys her stepmother, even though she is evil and persists with the task, even though it is a difficult one.

  6. Ups.... I just read the text again, and i made a mistake by writting that there where some flashbacks, because it is just repetitions. :)

    To Chanett: I think that the home-away-home is a very good model in this fairytale. Bacause the young girl starts at home by her evil stepmother, then she goes out to find the well of the worlds end, and then she returns to home again.

  7. Hallo everyone:)

    I have looked at the actantian model and tried to adjust it to the fairytale.
    I came to the conclusion that the subject of course is the girl and the opponent is the stepmother.

    The helper could be the little old woman, that helps the girl finding the well but it can also be the stepmother because she is the one that sends off the girl to fill the sieve. If she had not done that, the girl would never have met the frog/prince. I think it can be both!

    The object in the fairytale is to fill the sieve with water from the well of the world's end.
    And the sender is the frog who tells the girl to stop the sieve with moss and daub it with clay. I think, the frog makes it realistic for the girl to carry out the order from the stepmother. If the frog was not where to guide the girl, she could never return to home.

    The receiver is the girl who marries the handsome prince and moves far away from the stepmother.

    agree or disagree?

    I have some difficulties finding the moral? I get that it has something to do with the stepmother being evil. Maybe that it does not pay off to treat other like that, or...

  8. As a comment to the values in the text, I would say that the most important value in the text is the need of keeping a promise. The girl keeps her promise to the frog, and for this reason the frog becomes once again a prince, and the girl marries the prince.


  9. 1. Time: The story does not take place in our timeframe. It´s fairytale time.
    The time span is about two days but im not sure.
    2. Values in the text: Obedience: The stepdaughter obeys the stepmother. The daughter is well-mannered and she shows politeness towards all other people and animals. She does what she is told to do.
    And she keeps her promis to the frog.
    3. Oppositions in the text:
    God/evil - Stepdaughter/stepmother
    Young/old - Daughter/old woman
    Beautiful/ugly - Girl/frog
    Helpless/helpfulness - Daughter/old woman-frog
    4. The composition is a Home-out-home story. She lives at her fathers house. The stepmother sends her away on an so it seemes, impossible mission. She conquers the task and returnes home.

  10. 1. The time is difficult to place. In the text it says that it isn't anyone's time.
    The timespan could be two days. The young girl sets out to find the well on the first day. And the second day she has to chop off the frogs head.

    2. I think the value is to keep your promise. I see that because if she had run away of keeping promise, then the prince would have stayed a frog and the young girl would still be unhappy living with her stepmother.

    3. Some of the oppositions are:
    Good/young girl - Evil/Stepmother
    Beautiful/young girl - Ugly/Stepmother
    Frog - Prince

    4. The Home-out-home model.
    Home: The young girl lives with her father and stepmother.
    Out: The girl has to go out finding the well of the world's end and bring back water. She has to keep her promise to the frog and returns home.
    Home: She marries the Prince and lives with him and the King in the castle.

  11. Gitte: Interesting point about the Actantian model. As we talked about, models are aids to our understanding and interpretation. Models should be applied to structure our thoughts but never limit our creativity and open minds.
    Maria: The home-away-home model is indication that a transition takes place.
    Martlund: Oh yes, keeping promises - even when it was given a bit recklessly.
    I also agree with Dave's thoughts on obedience and persistence.

    Does the young girl grow up in the course of this text? According to your analysis, what does growing up imply?

    BTW: You are all so good at this! I really enjoy your comments :)
