Skriftlig eksamen: 25. maj kl. 9.00-14.00
Mundtlig eksamen: 9-10 juni - husk at trække teksten hos Bent eller Else dagen inden du skal op.
9 Juni
kl. 8.00 Martin
kl. 8.30 Michelle
kl. 9.00 Julie Rau
kl. 9.30 Charmilie Chandrabalan
10. juni
kl. 8.00 Gitte
kl. 8.30 David
kl. 9.00 Marlene
kl. 9.30 Elsebeth
kl. 10.00 Luina
kl. 10.30 Melanie
kl. 11.00 Maria
kl. 11.30 Natalie Mortensen
kl. 13.00 Simone
Thursday, 19 May 2011
Her er ALLE tekster vi har læst i årets løb (kan også findes under undervisningsbeskrivelser på LUDUS)
Lazy Jack
The Ant and the Grasshopper
The Well of the World's end
Supplerende stof
Reading and analysing fairy tales, Jeremy Watts +The Grasshopper and the Ant, Aesop
Clash of Cultures
Sylvia Flute: I want to make Changes
Kushwat Singh: The Mark of Vishnu
Hanif Kureishi: My Son the Fanatic
Bhattacharya Susmita: Dusk over Atlantic Wharf
African literature
Ben Okri: In the Shadow of War
Normavenda Mathiane: Labour Pains
Rayda Jacobs: The Guilt
Ken Saro-Wiwa: The Bonfire
Aspects of the American Dream
The American Declaration of Independence
Martin Luther King: "I have a Dream"
Creveceour: "What is an American?"
Arnold Schwarzenegger: Speech
Walt Whitman: I hear America Singing
Langston Hughes: I, Too sing America
Our America
Mary Shelley: Frankenstein
Bram Stoker: Dracula
Edgar Allan Poe: The Black Cat
Stephen King: Suffer the Little Children
Supplerende Stof
Theory: Mette Weisberg Stephen King's American Nightmare s. 7
Krogh & Schmidt: Gys, splat og Freud "Freud's model of the mind"
Nete Schmidt: A Taste of Horror, Introduction
Edgar Allan Poe: The Raven
The Catcher in the Rye
The Catcher in the Rye, J.D. Salinger you will not get a text here, but you may put it into perspective at the exam.
Lazy Jack
The Ant and the Grasshopper
The Well of the World's end
Supplerende stof
Reading and analysing fairy tales, Jeremy Watts +The Grasshopper and the Ant, Aesop
Clash of Cultures
Sylvia Flute: I want to make Changes
Kushwat Singh: The Mark of Vishnu
Hanif Kureishi: My Son the Fanatic
Bhattacharya Susmita: Dusk over Atlantic Wharf
African literature
Ben Okri: In the Shadow of War
Normavenda Mathiane: Labour Pains
Rayda Jacobs: The Guilt
Ken Saro-Wiwa: The Bonfire
Aspects of the American Dream
The American Declaration of Independence
Martin Luther King: "I have a Dream"
Creveceour: "What is an American?"
Arnold Schwarzenegger: Speech
Walt Whitman: I hear America Singing
Langston Hughes: I, Too sing America
Our America
Mary Shelley: Frankenstein
Bram Stoker: Dracula
Edgar Allan Poe: The Black Cat
Stephen King: Suffer the Little Children
Supplerende Stof
Theory: Mette Weisberg Stephen King's American Nightmare s. 7
Krogh & Schmidt: Gys, splat og Freud "Freud's model of the mind"
Nete Schmidt: A Taste of Horror, Introduction
Edgar Allan Poe: The Raven
The Catcher in the Rye, J.D. Salinger you will not get a text here, but you may put it into perspective at the exam.
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
Wrapping up
3/5: Seminar - hand in written assignment
Talk about the exam and repetition
10/5: Writing and grammar - essays back
Talk about the exam and repetition
Monday, 11 April 2011
Skriftlig eksamen er den. 25 maj og jeres mundtlige eksamen ligger d. 9 og 10 juni, nærmere besked følger.
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
Final chapters 24-26
This and a lot more we will discuss during the seminar next week. But give it a good thought..
How has Holden Caufield developed? Think about Holden’s vision of the nature of childhood and adulthood. Are the two realms as separate as Holden believes them to be? Where does he fit in? How does his psychological problems show in his actions?
His relationship to family and friends and their symbolic meaning. Does any pattern seem to emerge, or does anything change in his interactions as the novel progresses? How do Holden’s encounters with adults, children, women, and his peers evolve as the novel progresses?
How has Holden Caufield developed? Think about Holden’s vision of the nature of childhood and adulthood. Are the two realms as separate as Holden believes them to be? Where does he fit in? How does his psychological problems show in his actions?
His relationship to family and friends and their symbolic meaning. Does any pattern seem to emerge, or does anything change in his interactions as the novel progresses? How do Holden’s encounters with adults, children, women, and his peers evolve as the novel progresses?
What is it that the author wants to show us with Holden Caufield as a character and as a narrator?
- Here we are going to discuss the different narrative levels.
What is the symbolic meaning of the carousel?
What is the symbolic meaning of the book?
Why has the book become so popular and created such a stir?
Thursday, 31 March 2011
Chapters 19-23
1) Luce asks Holden in the beginning of chapter 19, "Is this going to be a typical Caulfield conversation"? What do you make of that, and what does that tell us about Holden?
2) Does it correspond with your view of him?
3) How is Holden´s mental instability portrayed and have you altered the way you think about Holden, and if so in what way?
4) How does Holden look upon death?
5) Characterize Phoebe.
6) What are the symbolic references to the poem, children and lawyers?
7)Why does Holden want to be the catcher in the Rye?
2) Does it correspond with your view of him?
3) How is Holden´s mental instability portrayed and have you altered the way you think about Holden, and if so in what way?
4) How does Holden look upon death?
5) Characterize Phoebe.
6) What are the symbolic references to the poem, children and lawyers?
7)Why does Holden want to be the catcher in the Rye?
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
The Catcher in the Rye
In 1960 a teacher was fired for assigning the novel in class; he was later reinstated. But between 1961 and 1982, The Catcher in the Rye was the most censored book in high schools and libraries in the United States. In 1981, it was both the most censored book and the second most taught book in public schools in the United States. Shelley Keller-Gage, a high school teacher who faced objections after assigning the novel in her class, noted that the challengers "are being just like Holden... They are trying to be catchers in the rye."
From: WikipediaJust an interesting fact and this is nothing you should feel obliged to answer, but why? And what does Shelley Keller-Gage mean by her comment?
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
Chapters 15-18
1) If you consider the ducks and the city of New York, perhaps you can compare them to characters, how and who would they then be?
2)What is the suitcase a symbol of?
3) Comment on Holden´s reminiscence of his visits to the museum with Miss Aigletinger?
4) Describe Holden´s state of mind during these chapters, what is going on with him? - include Sally in your description.
5) Do bastard guys have an inferiority complex in your opinion?
6) Please pick a quote and comment on it- this book is full of great lines.
*Julie made a sensible comment in the last post - that she would only answer questions that were not accounted for and leave those that were. Try to think in this fashion when going through the questions - read each other´s comments and work from there.
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
Chapters 10-14
I think people are really bad at commenting - please get better!
1) Comment on Holden´s behavior in the Lavender room - here you should contrast how the girls act and how Holden describes them.
2) Why do people in general use irony or kid with people? Comment on Holden´s use of irony.
3) Comment on the following passage: "I always get those vomit kind of cabs if I go anywhere late at night ( ... ) New York´s terrible when somebody laughs on the street very late at night. You can hear it for miles. It makes you feel so lonesome and depressed. I kept wishing I could go home and shoot the bull for a while with old Phoebe." (Beginning of chapter 12)
4) Why does Holden wonder where the ducks go in the winter? Perhaps difficult to answer, but keep it in mind at least.
5) Why do you think that Holden keeps calling people 'old' as in old Phoebe, old Jane, old Marty, old Lillian, old bag, old Childs, old Sunny etc.?
6) Comment on Holden´s encounter with the prostitute and Maurice.
- if you find any great quotes you would like to discuss please go ahead and do so.
Monday, 14 March 2011
Tips for your writing
When you write your essay in English there are a few things you need to consider.
- You need to have the task in focus hence read the instructions through many times before starting so that you know what to do.
- Think about the structure: Introduction, body, conclusion - no matter what genre, this always applies.
- Vary your language - use linking words and phrases and also remember that a text needs to have coherence and fluency to give meaning for the reader.
- Read your essay through many times before handing in - your teacher does not advocate sloppy writing and she certainly dislikes wasting time correcting careless errors. Here is the finding-your-errors-guide.
Tuesday, 8 March 2011
Chapters 5-9
1) Describe Holden´s relationship to:
- Spencer
- Ackley
- Jane Gallagher
- Stradlater
3) Is Holden sometimes lying to us, or perhaps just exaggerating the truth? Give examples.
4) Comment on his relationship to the opposite sex.
The discourse situation of narrative is rather complicated, but you will need it in order to understand The Catcher in the Rye as there are many different layers in the narrative which are important for the interpretation of the story.
Production: Author → implied author → narrator →
Reception: narratee → implied reader → reader
Author: The actual author (J.D. Salinger)
The implied author: The "seeming author"of the narrative who works "behind the scenes" shaping the values that the narrative projects onto his audience. You must not identify with the real author as they may have different beliefs and attitudes.
Narrator: The one inside the text narrating the story, could be a third person (omniscient in which a main character is focalized or non-omniscient/limited) or a 1st person narrator.
Narratee: The narratee is the person to whom the narrator is speaking inside the text.
The implied reader: the mirror image of the implied author thus not in the text. The implied reader is the 'reader' addressed by the narrative, but whose views may be quite different from those of the flesh-and-blood reader.
Reader: The actual reader - us
We can all agree on the fact that Holden Gaufield is narating the story thus we are dealing with a major first person narrator. First person narrators tend to be unreliable, but is Holden unreliable and can you find examples of this? Who is he talking to (Narratee)? and who might the implied reader and author be? This should be considered throughout the novel and is something we will discuss at the seminar.
Chapters to read
Here is a plan for the chapters you need to read- try not to cheat.
7th of March: Chapter 1-4 (p.1-43)
14th of March: Chapter 5-9 (p.44-70)
22nd of March: Chapter 10-14 (p.71-110)
29th of March: Chapter15-18 (p.111-147)
5th of April: Chapter 19-23 (p.148-187)
12th of April (when we meet againg): Chapter 24-26 (p.188-220)
7th of March: Chapter 1-4 (p.1-43)
14th of March: Chapter 5-9 (p.44-70)
22nd of March: Chapter 10-14 (p.71-110)
29th of March: Chapter15-18 (p.111-147)
5th of April: Chapter 19-23 (p.148-187)
12th of April (when we meet againg): Chapter 24-26 (p.188-220)
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
Chapters 1-4
Homework for this week are chapters 1-4 (p.1-43)
Try to think of some of the themes that this story brings forth.
Look closely at the narrator? Use the text as well as your imagination
Try to think of some of the themes that this story brings forth.
Look closely at the narrator? Use the text as well as your imagination
- Who is he?
- What is the situation?
- What is his social background?
- Who is he talking to?
- Comment on the language
Meeting and Writing
Your mock exam is Tuesday, 15/3
09.00-10.00 Delprøve 1
10.00-14.00 Delprøve 2
N.B. Please be there at least 15 minutes before.
We meet again
12/4 (not the 5th) go through The Catcher in the Rye and the mock exam
3/5 Repetition and exam
17/5 Repetition and exam
09.00-10.00 Delprøve 1
10.00-14.00 Delprøve 2
N.B. Please be there at least 15 minutes before.
We meet again
12/4 (not the 5th) go through The Catcher in the Rye and the mock exam
3/5 Repetition and exam
17/5 Repetition and exam
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
Saturday, 26 February 2011
Sunday, 20 February 2011
The Raven
SEMINAR (1/3 2011)
Please prepare a reading of the poem for the seminar. You may choose a specific passage that you find particularly useful/touching/gloomy/scary/beautiful.....
Consider the following:
- Mood
- Tone
- Intonation
- Breaks
- Composition
Please prepare a reading of the poem for the seminar. You may choose a specific passage that you find particularly useful/touching/gloomy/scary/beautiful.....
Consider the following:
- Mood
- Tone
- Intonation
- Breaks
- Composition
Stephen King: "Suffer the little children"
Where would you like to start with this story? I would like for you to start this discussion and I'll join in. Easy? We'll see...
Monday, 31 January 2011
1. Characterize the environment with a focus on gothic elements (look up the characteristics if you are in doubt)
2. How can we use Freud's model of the mind in our reading of this story? Provide textual examples.
3. What view on sexuality and death are depicted in the story?
4. Why is this story sooooo fantastic? - Objectively speaking(!)
Tuesday, 25 January 2011
The Black Cat
SEMINAR (1/3 2011)
Form a hypothesis for the analysis of this story. You must consider themes and purpose. This will be the frame for our analysis.
Points to consider:
Find evidence for/examples of the unreliability of the narrator.
What does the black cat in the story symbolize? You may want to consider the significance of its name, Pluto.

Read through the comprehension questions after each excerpt. Pick a few of the points below and choose a focus for your reading.
1. Characterize Victor Frankenstein
2. What views are represented in the excerpt regarding life, death, religion, science?
3. Read lines 29-40 again. How does Victor describe his scientific breakthrough?
4. Focus on the use of language and imagery when Victor discovers the secret of life - what do you think?
5. Characterize the changes in Victor's mood as his creation progresses.
6. Consider question 6 on p. 93 - what causes Victor's anxiety?
It seems that both Sara and I are unable to forward the material. Those of you who did not get it will have to pick it up at the office at Randers HF & VUC. You should do so soon since there is quite a lot and you will need to participate in the discussions here on the blog.
Thursday, 20 January 2011
Exam dates
Just to let everyone that the written mock exam (terminsprøven) will be on Tuesday, 15th March and your written exam will on Friday, 27th May. We will not know when the oral examination will take place before Friday, 19th May.
Dear all
I believe we have a conference on Ludus. I will upload the texts (the Horror compendium) and the written assignment (Delprøve 1 + 2). I'm not sure they will be there before the weekend, though.
ps. Those of you who already have the material may disregard this message ;)
Read the theoretical texts (Weisberg, Krogh/Schmidt and Schmidt)
1. Do you agree with N. Schmidt's views on why we read horror?
2. What are your own expectations for this theme? What do you expect to learn? What do you expect will be the focus of our analyzes?
3. Which of the aspects and sub-genres of horror mentioned in the material do you suppose you would prefer?
4. What scares you? (Do not say grammar!)
- Mwuuaaahahahahahaaaaaa.... :-o
Plan for "horror"

25/1: Discussion of theory
2/2: Discussion of Frankenstein (excerpt - Mary Shelley)
8/2: Discussion of Dracula (excerpt - Bram Stoker)
11/2: HAND IN WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT (Parenting + grammar)
22/2: Discussion of Suffer the Little Children (Stephen King)
1/3: SEMINAR - read and analyze The Black Cat + The Raven (E. A. Poe)
Wednesday, 12 January 2011
Plan for seminar: Aspects of the American Dream
Seminar, January 2011
Dear all
We will be working in matrix groups (like you did for the fairytale theme). You will need notes from the blog.
We will analyse the poems in class so make notes and write on the blog so we have a point of departure. This is a new genre and it might be a good idea to do a little research.
You have not been asked to do a "delprøve 1" this time. Bring your grammar books and let us see where they take us :)
I'm looking forward to seeing you!
Best wishes,
Ps. Feel free to add comments on the different texts - it will benefit your work in class!
Dear all
We will be working in matrix groups (like you did for the fairytale theme). You will need notes from the blog.
We will analyse the poems in class so make notes and write on the blog so we have a point of departure. This is a new genre and it might be a good idea to do a little research.
You have not been asked to do a "delprøve 1" this time. Bring your grammar books and let us see where they take us :)
I'm looking forward to seeing you!
Best wishes,
Ps. Feel free to add comments on the different texts - it will benefit your work in class!
I hear America singing (Whitman) & I too (Hughes)
We will be working on the poems when we meet. Go to the label "Poetry" posted by Sara and consider the questions in relation to the two poems.
Furthermore, I want you to consider the time and context of the poems.
What aspects of the American dream are presented in the two poems?
Posts on the blog regarding these subjects will be helpful to our work on the analysis.
Furthermore, I want you to consider the time and context of the poems.
What aspects of the American dream are presented in the two poems?
Posts on the blog regarding these subjects will be helpful to our work on the analysis.
Thursday, 6 January 2011
Ted Williams, Columbus OH homeless man, with golden radio voice
How is this for an American Dream? Tell me what you think.
Our America

2. Put "Our America" into perspective by comparing the text to one or two of the other texts we have read on this theme. All the texts should be covered when this discussion ends:
What are the differences in the view on the American Dream?
What views on the American people are conveyed in the texts? - sum up differences.
Is America presented as an example for the rest of the world or the opposite? Provide evidence?
1.What is the genre?
2.Who is speaking in the text?
3.What is his view on the American Dream?
4.React to his view on Capital punishment? How is this view related to the American Dream?
5.Discuss his view upon love and marriage
6.Is his view upon the American Dream exceptional?
7.What seems to be the topic?
8.To whom is the text directed?
9.How does our generation seek the American Dream? Has the concept changed?
10.Put into perspective of the other texts we have read on this theme.
2.Who is speaking in the text?
3.What is his view on the American Dream?
4.React to his view on Capital punishment? How is this view related to the American Dream?
5.Discuss his view upon love and marriage
6.Is his view upon the American Dream exceptional?
7.What seems to be the topic?
8.To whom is the text directed?
9.How does our generation seek the American Dream? Has the concept changed?
10.Put into perspective of the other texts we have read on this theme.
Tuesday, 4 January 2011
Happy New Year, folks!
There seems to be a scarcity of written work in our inboxes - what could be the reason? Get your b**s into 2011 and hand them in (please!)
Sara & Chanett
There seems to be a scarcity of written work in our inboxes - what could be the reason? Get your b**s into 2011 and hand them in (please!)
Sara & Chanett
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